Our School » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Mrs.  Lisa  Seale 
Elementary Principal 
email: [email protected]   

Principal's Corner

Dear Parents and Guardians: 

      It's hard to believe that  the 2023-2024 school year is already behind us! What an incredible year we have had here at The Nest!  I am looking forward to exciting new adventures and opportunities for us at LES during the 2024-2025 school year! Great things await!

     We indeed had an incredible year here at LES! Energy, excitement and engagement filled our classrooms daily, and our students and staff worked hard throughout the year to make sure our students were successful in their academic endeavors, social skills and life skills! Teachers are already working hard this semester to ensure we have another year full of SUCCESS in 2024-2025! 

     As continue to enjoy the last few weeks of summer, I'd like to challenge each of you to commit to reading to your child for at least 30 minutes each day.  Research has shown that "reading just 20 minutes a day exposes a child to a vast quantity of words (1.8 million in each school year, actually!). As a result, this exposure makes children more likely to score in the 90th percentile on standardized tests, compared to children who read just 5 minutes per day — and are therefore more likely to score in the 50th percentile — it’s easy to see how reading time translates to academic success.  Meanwhile, a separate study involving almost 10 million students showed "only those reading at least 15 minutes a day achieved accelerated reading gains, and those reading less were at risk of falling behind their peers." Thank you for committing to help us building STRONGER READERS at LES! 

   In regards to student registration for the 2024-2025 school year, please visit our homepage to find location, dates, times and important information regarding requirements for registration.  Please make sure that you bring all of the required documents to registration as we will not be able to complete any registration without all the needed documents.  Our staff will be ready and happy to assist you with the registration process.  Please let us know if we can help you in anyway.

     Again, I'd like to thank you for the help and support you give us at LES.  I genuinely love and appreciate each of you and what you do to help our staff, students and Lake Elementary School!  As always, I am honored to serve each of you and your families, our school and our community,  and I'm BEYOND BLESSED to be a small part of such a wonderful school family!  If I can do anything to help you, please feel free to contact me anytime.

Thanks so much,

Mrs. Seale :)