October is High Attendance Month for us at Lake Elementary School. Over the course of the month, ADA (average daily attendance) data will be collected by local and state agencies (Mississippi Department of Education). This data is used to calculate state funding for the 2019-2020 school year - - funding that provides resources, materials and school staff.
School attendance is vitally important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It’s difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent.
Our ADA goal for the month is to reach 95%+ each day! During the course of the month, incentives will be offered to students for perfect attendance as well as classroom rewards for the best overall attendance and most improved attendance! With your help, we know that we can reach our goals!
Thank you for your support and help! We look forward to ROCKING ADA this month!